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LK Metrology introduces ultra-accuracy portable measuring arms

LK Metrology an ultra accuracy 7-axis freedom ultimate scan portable measuring arm

A highly precise -7-axis FREEDOM ULTIMATE SCAN portable measuring arm by LK Metrology. LK Metrology has been producing static coordinate measuring machines (CMM) since 1963. It has now expanded its FREEDOM arm range of 3D articulated arm metrology systems, or portable measuring arms, with the launch of five ultra-accurate models in 6 and 7-axis variants. The 10 new arms bring the total number of different LK varieties available to 34. International sales and service are provided through the company’s offices in the UK, Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, North America, and China, as well as through a global network of distributors. Named FREEDOM ULTIMATE and FREEDOM ULTIMATE SCAN, the new arms are available with measuring volumes from 2.5 to 4.5 meters, depending on the model. Each complements the comparable dimensions of the higher precision FREEDOM CLASSIC and FREEDOM SELECT products with six axes designed for contact detection, as well as the 7-axis SCAN equivalents for multisensor metrology, including laser scanning. The ultra-accurate arms, which come with an ISO 17025 certified calibration sphere and verification bar, offer enhanced precision in applications ranging from quality control and in-machine verification to reverse engineering, virtual assembly design, and 3D modeling. Measurement accuracy is improved by up to eight percent compared to the more precise models in the range, SELECT, and up to 43 percent compared to the entry-level CLASSIC arms. The tactile probing accuracy of all FREEDOM arm products is ISO 10360-12 certified. The addition of the extra degree of freedom in all SCAN models provides infinite movement to allow scanning with a Nikon Metrology ModelMaker H120 laser scanner. All arms can be supplied with a variety of probe kits, stylus styles, mounting rings, including some with magnetic or vacuum bases, tripods, roller supports, and laptop arm carts. The carbon fiber tubular construction ensures stability under challenging operating conditions. A proprietary counterweight makes manual movements light, enhancing ease of use even when accessing awkward areas of a component. Optional Wi-Fi connectivity and battery power enable fully portable wireless measurement for maximum flexibility. The arm can be stored and locked in position between measurements and when repositioned. Even the largest FREEDOM arm model weighs less than 11 kilograms, making setup and repositioning easy and fast. A notable feature of the arms is the inclusion of absolute rather than incremental rotary encoders to report the angular position of each joint to the control software. The equipment can thus be used immediately upon startup, avoiding the need to zero the encoder each time before use. This increases productivity, as does the highly repeatable hot-swapping connection that allows for quick exchange of probes without interrupting the measuring process for recalibration. Contributing to efficiency and convenience is also an LCD display with a quick-access menu on the probe wrist, putting the most useful information directly in the operator’s hands during measurement. LK can provide a wide range of third-party verification software with the FREEDOM arms, including InnovMetric’s PolyWorks Inspector which has the ability to seamlessly swap programs between portable and static CMM platforms. Metrostaff’s ArcoCAD metrology software and Nikon Metrology’s Focus Inspection for data analysis are also available, while QxSoft’s CMM Manager inspection package can be used for probing only.

Source: Gear Technology